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Re-Parenting You: 4-weeks to Dropping Mom-Guilt and Healing Your Inner Child




4, 1:1 60 minute private healing and coaching sessions that pinpoint where your beliefs stem from in your childhood and safely explore them in a way that heals and validates your experience so that you can release the hold they have on you and shift the way you parent your children moving forward.

Week 1 – Un rooting situations and experiences where you feel most of your shame and mom guilt so that you become self-aware of potential triggers and know exactly how to manage them moving forward.

Week 2 – A private Inner child healing session where we will go deep into your subconscious and – unveil the root cause of your shame and mom guilt so that you can fully release the feelings holding you back from being the confident mom you dream of being.

Week 3 – A second private inner child healing Session to tackle the memories and experiences that led to a lack of self-worth and confidence so that you can come out of our coaching feeling like a badass mom, partner, and woman!

Week 4 – Our final private coaching session will outline a path forward so that you will feel confident enough to the confidence to raise the finger at anyone who ever judges you again and allow any feelings of mom guilt, shame, overwhelm, or fear to roll off your back with absolute ease because they no longer control you .


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