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Are you ready to access the wealth of wisdom from your soul through Soul Realignment?

“Every time I start to move forward in my life I’m stopped!”

    “That guy/gal I met, who seemed amazing, just turned out to be like all the others!”

“That perfect job never seems in my reach!”

“Money just seems to slip through my fingers!”

“I just want to feel happy!”

“I have no idea what my life purpose is!”

“I just can’t forget my past!”

       Sound familiar?

Soul Realignment will assist you in healing the deep “soul wounds” that have been created both in this current lifetime and in your past lifetimes as well.

“Your soul has experienced many lifetimes here on earth.

During these lifetimes your soul will have made many different choices.

Some will have been good and some not so good.”

Just as a new car will accumulates bumps, dents and scratches over time, we also collect similar wounds to our soul throughout each of our lifetimes. When left unresolved, these wounds accumulate, and begin to weigh us down and drain our energy,

Theses wounds make healing and moving forward in life nearly impossible.

This can leave us wondering why everything feels like such an effort and results in us feeling both hopeless and helpless in achieving our goals.

In the intuitive process of Soul Realignment I will go into the Akashic Records to find out about who you are at soul level.

I will look at the original blueprint of your soul, including where your soul is from, what are your natural gifts, and your purpose.

Most importantly in your Soul Realignment reading I will look at what is blocking you from following your soul purpose.

We all have negative blocks and restrictions either from this life, or from  past lifetimes. I will look to see what those restrictions are, and then together we clear them! It is a powerful, amazing will change your life.

Soul Realignment allows you a short cut where you get to process a lifetime of trauma in just a few weeks.

Using Soul Realignment you get to really know who you are and what you are doing here.

You will become more grounded and more confident about moving forward with any changes that you want to make.

What previous clients have said about Soul Realignment

“I had an amazing Soul Realignment reading! Gave me greater deeper insight to me and my life. Truly amazing!”

Sarah Louisa Carswell

In your Soul Realignment session you will recieve

  • A general Akashic Record Reading,
  • Acknowledgement of Divine Gifts,
  • A personalized explanation of how and why your soul originated,
  • Identification of blockages to truth and self-fulfillment,
  • Unhealthy characteristics or traits developed through many lifetimes
  • Negative thought forms you have carried
  • Chakra or energy center damage
  • Explanation for why you may feel chronically exhausted and drained
  • List of unhealthy “sacred contracts” you formed with others
  • Karmic debts you may carry with other souls
  • A complete assessment of your “soul wounds,

How does it work ~

After making your booking with me and paying your £99 , I will contact you for the remaining payment of 115. The investment for this service is just £210.

I will also need to know some information about you to access your Akashic Records. Once I have received your payment, I will prepare your Soul Realignment reading. We will then have our meeting either on the phone, Zoom, messenger, or in person so that we can discuss what I have found and what has been cleared energetically.

You will also be allocated “homework” where you will receive a personalized 21 day prayer, and other prayers or assignments if necessary. You will also receive a recording of our phone call.

I am always available to answer any questions that you have when they come up. I am here to support you.

Another very happy client

Totally 100% I would recommend Kathy to clear & re-tune your soul back to its original blueprint…release anything negative or not serving your needs anymore, then Kathy is your Lady…My Son has been re-tuned to…my Mom is next on the list, with 5 other relatives & friends. I have had other healing sessions with Kathy…I can honestly say my Life has taken a u-turn since meeting Kathy…I am thinking a lot clearer, handling situations easier, starting to multi task again, getting on with what I should be doing.

Thankyou Kathy”

Leiha Talbot